Income Streams
Market Gains On Crypto Portfolio(HODL)
We profit much gains on the long run from holding basic crypto assets in our wallet portfolio. This is a very traditional method basically accepted by majority in the crypto market. We have and own over 100 top crypto assets in our porfolio holdings, this enables us gain massive extra profits when there is a bullish market in global cryptocurrency trading.
Smart Trading Using Experts
In as much anyone can be a crypto trader, we go the extra mile to employ the best experts with good trading history and portfolio activities. This enables us to make sure that profits are being made daily to help pay investors some few percentage commission as reward on their investments. Accurate records are being kept and smart strategies are being used by these experts to make sure profits are being made from the trading sessions no matter bullish or bearish market. Good percentages in profits are being returned.
Automated Trading Using Bots
Sufficient strategies are being fed into the robots configurations to aid margin and spot trading in our exchange and partner exchanges. This integration helps automatic buy and sell options for selected crypto assets to make good profit margins from opened trades. These bots are regularly supervised by our technical engineering experts to make sure that there no discrepancies or mistakes in trading good profits after daily sessions. As this profits are also distributed among investors on a daily basis depending on selected investment plan.
Different Types & Segments Of Crypto Mining
We have substantial crypto mining setups in different styles and methods to aid maximum profits from mining a variety of crypto assets. There are different locations where our mining rigs are setup and connected to other global pools in collaboration with our partners. Crypto mining is also one of our major earning setup and basic income streams. Profits generated from crypto mining are being distributed evenly across global investors on our website. This is to ensure maximum productivity, support growth and sufficient growth of our business module.
Exchange Trading Service Charge
Just like every others exchanges and or partner websites there few exponential miniature exchange service costs, charged on some likely activities to maintain running cost and as commissions for those managing the transactional process. In as much as these service charges comes to us, we still payout some percentage commission to our investors depending on the amount and investment plan chosen by the investor.
Exchange Swap Fees
There are swaps and conversion fees. Every crypto asset swap from on coin to another on the exchange platform attracts some very little fraction of fees to aid for easy and faster swap confirmation. Sending Crypto assets out of the exchange attracts some tiny transaction fees too as explained earlier. With all the exchange swap fees and commissions in mind, We do not hesitate to send accurate shared profits to all investors in the website.